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Drink With Me, To Days Gone By!
But please make sure it's only Apple Beer or something, as I don't want to be the cause of any irresponsibility. ;)

We're SO excited for 2013!!!!!! Logan you will be missed, and I've already shed misty tears over leaving our tiny little newly wed apartment, that we had so carefully arranged. It kept us warm and cozy in the winters and let in abundant light in the summer, and we truly did love it. (Albeit was a little cramped at the last, but I choose to only remember the good) 2013 however, has so many wonderful things in it already that I really couldn't sit and be sad for long. Craig is so excited to be finished with school (for a few years at least) and we are SO EXCITED TO BE RENTING AN ACTUAL HOUSE!!!!!! No cement stairs for my daughter to tumble to her death, no neighbors we are continually torturing with our excessive noise,(I'm really sorry for dropping that frozen chicken) and a fenced back yard where we can enjoy the sunshine without everyone's front windows staring at us like we're a bunch of weirdos. Hurray!!!!! The house is a 3 bedroom 2 bath (we have a guest room people, no excuses!) with two fireplaces, one upstairs and one down, a fairly large kitchen with large windows overlooking the back yard and, did I mention it's the coolest back yard ever? It's about a half acre of grass with a garden, fruit trees, a swing set and fort for Grace, a firepit that our neighbors have already hinted is lots of fun in summer, and a deck coming off of the back door and garage.
Ok, I'll stop with the excessive gushing. Two years ago I would not have been this excited. I worked and went to school all day and was seldom AT home. But this last year of suddenly going from newly married, working at a bank and going to school, to a stay-at-home Mom and online student I have had so many moments of feeling frustrated with our small confined space and flashes of wanting to throw all of my husbands hunting gear, tools, and massive bag of fake ducks out the window (did I say that out loud?) and it is a great blessing for Grace to have a basement to play in, my husband to have a garage for all of his "man things" and me to be able to have room to breath and feel at peace, rather then like I'm trying to organize a war zone all day. So here is for a great year of new friends, new places, new work for Craig, new classes for me, a new play room/entire basement for Grace, and new memories for us all!
Love it Dorth. So glad you started a blog finally :) So glad we will be a part of you and Craig growing up and Gracie's life's adventures. he he