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Friday, March 22, 2013

Silly Boys

I was at my parents house the last couple of weeks (the next 3 posts are about the trip) and my little brother Neil found this watermelon car air freshener. We have no idea who this thing belonged to but basically, he loved the smell of it, and I thought it was terrible and told him so. It smells like cheap bubble gum to me. Like the zebra stripe kind with the little tattoo wrappers we are all ashamed to admit we loved as a kid?! Yea, like that. Anyways, I'll let that thought marinade for a minute and tell you a few other things. Neil and I have been playing jokes on each other basically since he was born. Which means I was probably playing jokes on him in his infancy and now it has come back to haunt me as he is suddenly 6ft. tall and high school aged, nuff said. I also have 2 nephews, Enoch and Ezra who think that anything Neil does is the greatest (a sentiment shared by all my nieces and nephews I think) and who are more than happy to help him out when the opportunity arises. So this past week I've lost my phone half a dozen times and each time I was pretty sure I had JUST had it. A couple times I asked my nephews if they had seen it and they kind of half smiled but insisted they had not. I asked Neilson too and all he could tell me was that he'd noticed I'd been losing it a lot and that I should really start keeping track of my things. Anyways, then right as I was packing everything up to leave yesterday it went missing AGAIN. This time i just knew that I had had it not 5 minutes before so I looked up at all 3 boys sitting on the couch and said, "alright, where is my phone!" They all looked at me completely stone blank and swore up and down they had no idea. A minute later as I am searching everywhere I hear it beep really close to me (It doesn't ring when people call it just gives periodic beeps). I searched everywhere. It would beep but it isn't a continual noise so I didn't know if I was crazy or what, but I could not find the thing anywhere! Pretty soon all three boys are cracking a smile and then giggling and eventually rolling with laughter as I narrowed my search down to a small pile of books and then went through these books over and over again more and more confused!!!
Turns out Neil had gotten an old book and hollowed the middle of the pages out(yea, for reals) and my cell phone was inside. I was going through the same books over and over again but for some reason hadn't imagined it could be INSIDE ONE OF THEM! BLEH! They got me! Here are a few pictures of the culprits. Sure love them!

Are they trouble, or what?!
Oh, and still wondering where the gum fits in? I opened my suitcase when I got home and was suddenly enveloped by a huge waft of that horrible smell. My husband comes running in wondering what I'm sputtering about. I think it was a mix of laughter and "I hate Neil!" I haven't decided what my revenge will be, but they'd better watch their backs. ;) And in the meantime I'd better get started rewashing everything that was in there.  

1 comment:

  1. OMG. Let's cook a little Neil stew and sprinkle on some Enoch and top it with an Ezra. FUN-NY.
