The Little Stuff
I thought I would do a kind of random post, once again this one is more for the journal then anything, of some of the little things we have been up to.
Camping...sort of...
So Craig won a bunch of camping gear from a raffle at work a while ago and part of that was this 8 man tent. We're going camping this weekend for the first time together EVER (excited, can you tell?!), so he thought it would be a good idea to set the tent up in the back yard first; just to make sure it's not broken or anything. SO we had a camp out last night!! We left Grace sleeping inside in her crib for this time around, (with a baby monitor of course) but I brought her out this morning as soon as she woke up, and I let her play around in it. For our date night last night Craig and I watched a movie together on the laptop, and since I picked The Sound of Music last week, it was his turn and he chose Mclintock. It's a John Wayne movie. I have nothing against good old american cowboy John Wayne...except this one movie. SO. DUMB. As a future Family Counselor (hopefully) it was far too painful an experience for me. He was married to the worst woman stereotype of a red head EVER, (vain, giggly, says she wants one thing, when she wants something else. Pretends to be disgusted when she's secretly thrilled. What. Ever.) and old Wayne was of course silent and stubborn and refused to offer simple explanations when asked, because of course then there would be no conflict and he couldn't justify going and getting drunk and acting like a....ok I'm getting carried away here. BLEH. Ok, moving on. Cuddling with the hubby was nice, and I tried REALLY hard to keep my mouth shut during the movie, as my better half thought the whole thing was wonderful. :)
We also tested out the air mattresses we got as well. I have to say I was completely comfy over on my side! Unfortunately though, husband says it would be impractical to take the Pottery Barn down comforter with us camping, so the ACTUAL trip will be slightly less luxurious, but that's ok. As it turns out, an 8 man tent is just the right size for 3 people when you have a king sized air mattress and a pac-n-play. ;)
Good morning, Sunshine!
lol These pictures crack me up! When people make comments about Grace's hair always "having" to be done I think I will show them these pictures and point out that doing hair in this household is more about survival then anything. She can hardly function when her hair is left to it's own devices. lol
She now goes down the slide "self".
Oh that hair!!
Pink Pants
So I have this pair of pants...
Craig has always kind of made fun of me for them, he likes them, but just kind of thinks they are silly too. I realize they are the kind of thing you look back at 10 years later and laugh but sometimes trendy is fun, and I am actually pretty attached to these pants. In fact I want some in red and turqoise, too! lol
Anyways...I was wearing them one day and Grace was wearing a pink dress I had gotten her earlier on this day and we were both outside, she playing in the garden, and I, talking on the phone to my Mom. Unbeknownst to us Craig came home and saw us both out in the yard together and took pictures. He thought it was SO funny that we matched. lol
He came out and showed me the pictures and we both got a little laugh out of it since I hadn't realized our outfits were so similar. Fast forward through the evening now and we were all back at the store because I had purchased several pair of pants for Grace's crazy fast growing legs, that it turned out, didn't fit her very well. She needed a bigger size. Craig goes strait to the little girls department while I was returning them and comes back guessed it...
Silly silly Daddy!
She totally thinks they're great, too!
I thought he was just kidding at first but oh no. He bought them. And of course had to put them right on her when we got home and get some more chuckles out of it. but oh wait...there's more! I went out to see if Craig was done with the yard when our neighbors were driving by, and they stopped to ask if we knew we were wearing the same pants. lol And I had to say husband cracks me up. And don't worry, there are no matching sweater Christmas card pictures coming your way. At least not if I have anything to do with it. ;)
I have this ongoing battle with Grace about smiling. She really doesn't like when I take pictures of her and even the loudest laughter gets switched off as soon as she sees the camera in my hands. Well, to combat this I have been trying to teach her to say cheese and smile and I have let her take pictures of me smiling to practice (She LOVES playing with my camera). It has worked a little bit but then there are just days where it's hopeless. Last week I was trying extra hard to get her to smile and she was NOT having it and then I said, "Grace just say CHEESE!" and she purposely pulls this face instead,
Hahaha I don't usually laugh when she is trying to be naughty, but I laughed SO hard! It was so deliberate, and she immediately starts laughing at herself after she did it. Of course at that point I was laughing too hard to catch her smiling, but oh well. It was a lost cause anyways.
I'll just let this post explain itself.
Sure keeps us on our toes!
The Sound of Music
For the most part we have a no media on Sunday's policy, but in the evening sometimes we do a family movie. So basically something old usually, and very wholesome. a couple weeks ago I picked the Sound of Music. I wasn't even sure if I LIKED it since I haven't seen it since I was a child but for some reason it just sounded like fun and I thought Grace would enjoy the music, which she did in a big way.
One funny thing about this movie for us, is that the first time Craig ever contacted me, (a friend gave him my number) was while he was watching this movie with his Mom and sister. I remember turning to my Dad who was reading the paper in the chair next to me and saying, "Hey Dad, (insert background story of I might go out with this guy) and he just admitted that he's watching the Sound of Music with his Mom...not sure if I should be impressed or worried!" We both had a good laugh. I wonder if he had any clue then that the NEXT time he watched it would be with his own little girl and the girl he was texting...kinda funny! lol
Here is Grace dancing to one of the songs. She jumped off the couch and danced to EVERY song in the movie. lol Sorry it's so dark, we had the lights dim.
You should separate you posts so I can find the comment button w/o a serious search!! Cute Gracie pictures. Craig is hilarious.