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Sunday, December 1, 2013


     As pretty much everyone knows, our little family will be adding a little human addition in April. I am SO excited, and not nearly as nervous as I was with Grace. Not because I think it will be easy by any means, or because I can't wait to get no sleep, but I think it's probably more because of the fact that after having Gracie I also know how wonderful it will be, and that no matter what it will be worth it. With Grace I wasn't sure if I was ready for something that life altering and big (ok ok, so I don't do change well), but this time around I think I have just come to realize that when life isn't all about me aka it's about husband and daughter now, it's better anyways, and oh so worth it. I hope that makes sense. 

     Anyways, so with Grace I was so anti-prego pictures that I think there are a total of 3 from the entire pregnancy and I only willingly took one of those. This time I wanted to document it a little more, and wanted to take one a week and then put them all together to watch the baby grow....BUT I still have that innate (inherited from my Mother) dread of photos so my once a week has turned into 3 sets of photos. BUT, we're only half way through the pregnancy so that means twice as many as last time, right?! 
I'm not putting these on Facebook because I know that not everyone is into seeing pregnant woman pop up on their screens. This way I figure you clicked on my link so it's your own fault. ;) And without further ado...the before picture...

Yes I know, they aren't very glamorous selfies, but as afor mentioned, pictures of myself in front of mirrors isn't exactly my forte.

I'm about 8 or 9 weeks in these first ones, but I realize you can't really tell. It just gives you kind of a beginning growing reference. Also please note the baby getting into my "make'dup" in the background. lol

At 17 weeks...

Big difference, eh?!

Up to date at 20 weeks...

I got husband to take these. The selfies were killing me. 

This one is my personal favorite. I asked Grace to "come take a baby picture with me" and this is her version. lol

And stay tuned in 3 days for the big gender reveal, that I am VERY excited about....any guesses?!

Monday, November 4, 2013

"Just Let Her Cry"
Why I don't care for this article
I recently read this article floating around Facebook, and it really bothered me. It was kind of that pebble in your shoe feeling at first as I couldn't quite put my finger on why I disagreed with the authors premise so much, but after mulling it around in my mind I think it boils down to a few things with me.
 Some of what is said in article is not only really dramatized to me, but is simply untrue. The author states that letting newborns, babies and toddlers cry, is the same thing as letting an adult cry, equating it to her husband abandoning her when she is deathly ill in bed at night and even says, "For all they know, a predator could be lurking and waiting to eat them!" I don't know if she means that the baby might feel someone bad is going to kidnap and rape them, or "a predator" in a scary dinosaur movie sense, but a child is not born with fears of being kidnapped or eaten by large animals. Humans develop fears from experiences that they have and knowledge that they gain on this earth, and unless you are instilling that fear, either inadvertently with age inappropriate movies etc. or by making them feel that they shouldn't WANT to be alone, and passing along your own fears to THEM, then they should not be afraid that the boogie man is going to get them. After all, what is the boogie man anyways, but a story that gets passed down from kid to kid?!

 She also mentions that parents leaving a child alone in their room to sleep at night will make the child feel scared, lonely etc. Children spent 9 months being cuddled and nurtured in their mothers womb as they grow, and believe it or not there isn't a night light in there. Children are not born scared of the dark. The idea that leaving a brand new baby alone in a dark room, warmly wrapped and well fed, is going to emotionally scare them or make them afraid, to me is false. I have never given my daughter any reason to believe that being alone is scary, or that the dark is scary, and quite the contrary is true for her. As she has gotten into toddlerhood when I tuck her in at night I say things like, "isn't it so cozy to be in your nice warm blankets after your nice warm milk?" and she fully agrees with me! Or, "wasn't that a wonderful story we read, when it's morning time, let's read another one!" She isn't always jumping up and down to be put to bed, but when the time comes and she's put in her bed she has every reason to believe that she is being watched over and protected, and not only isn't insecure, but she really genuinely loves her time alone in bed. Some mornings she wakes up immediately calling for Mom, but MOST mornings I hear her singing, talking and even giggling to herself for 20 or 30 minutes before she calls out for me and is ready to get up. And at night even when she isn't ready to fall asleep yet she talks to herself and sings songs, retells herself stories we read earlier in the day (I know this because sometimes she's rather loud in the re-telling), and sometimes turns on the little mobile by her bed; after which, she finally falls to sleep. I attribute this FULLY, to a healthy version of CIO.

When Grace was born Craig and I had read a couple books and articles on helping children sleep and decided that 10 minutes was a good amount of time to let Grace cry and any time longer than that, meant that we would go check on her, make sure she didn't need anything and then gently lay her back down in her crib. I know some parents let their children cry longer but for me it was important for her to always know I was there, but that she was ok without me. I have always tried to do this in a reassuring way, not in a disciplinary type manner. I am not punishing her by making her sleep in her bed, I am making sure she knows that I'm there if she needs me, but let her know that she doesn't need me to get a good nights sleep. If nothing was wrong when I went in, I would re-tuck her in, tell her how much I love her, and lay her back down. At first that 10 minutes was LONG! I got a little clock and kept it by me while I waited on the floor by her door because I was convinced that my "mean" husband was really making me wait 30 minutes when he watched the clock. I soon discovered he'd been telling the truth all along, it just seemed so much longer to me then it did to him! I quickly realized several things by doing this. 1. Parents, and especially mothers for some reason can differentiate cries. Contrary to what this article suggests, by going with the cry it out method I could  tell when Grace was crying because something was wrong and she was upset, and when she was crying and fussing from being overly tired. 2. Also contrary to what the article suggests babies cry to tell us things because they can't talk. It is their only method of communication with us, so crying does not mean the same thing that it does for an adult who is capable of verbal communication, but is emotionally at their whits end. Learning to tell the difference between babies different cries is important, and is something that most parents feel they can do fairly easily. Even as an infant if Grace started crying like she was hurt, I was in her room in a heart-beat. I didn't abandon her and think, "oh she just needs to learn" I immediately went to find out what was wrong, but if she was crying to communicate to me that she was tired, I let her fall asleep on her own, it is as simple as that.
I think that wonderful things have come from the CIO method for our family.
1. My child has never learned to be afraid of the dark. I don't rush in her room when she cries like I'm trying to save her from something terrible, and because of that she feels perfectly safe and confident in her little world, as I believe all children should.
2. The CIO method saved my sanity as a new Mom. Going from full time school/work to a full time at home Mom held all kinds of adjustments for me, without being sleep deprived. I am not the kind of person who can get a wink of sleep while holding a baby, and the few times I did try to sleep with Grace in my arms, I noticed she would wake very often and didn't sleep for as long as she did on her own. With the CIO method Grace was sleeping through the night in her own bed by 4 months old, and although I realize that does NOT happen with every baby, studies have shown that babies whose parents train on the CIO method rather than the only-sleep-while-Mom-or-Dad-are-in-bed-with-you method, learn to sleep through the night much earlier.
3. Dad's especially need regular alone time with their wives. Adjusting to a baby can put a strain on any relationship, and it definitely changes the dynamics of the home. Craig and I can probably count on 1 hand the number of times we've gotten to go on a date without baby since her arrival, but at least we know that at 8:00pm every night, the two of us have some time to talk and read, watch movies, hang out, and reconnect about how our day went, and what it will look like tomorrow. Not to mention how are you going to work on baby #2, if baby #1 is still in your bed? ;)

I realize that like all things, there are exceptions to these rules, and really feel that all parents need to listen to their own instincts and intuition when it comes to their children's sleeping habits. I wrote this simply because I've felt from a lot of sources lately, like the article presented, that choosing to let your child self sooth is child abuse, and they will grow up crying on a therapists couch somewhere talking about how horrible their parents were for making them cry it out. I don't think that every parent needs to use the CIO method, but felt like I wanted to present why I think it works, and why I DON'T think it is child abuse. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


So we have these bushes. This summer they have grown these amazing, sweet, ever so tangly delicious berries, and our whole family has loved having them! We don't have a ton, so jam is probably out, but boy do we love picking and eating them! Especially little Ms. Gracie bear. Oh how I wish she was a more cautious berry picker! She has scrapes and scratches up and down her legs and on her arms from climbing into the raspberry bushes looking for the "WED" ones to pop in her mouth. Washing them? Out of the question, don't even ask. Yesterday we had quite the little adventure with our little berry picker. There were TONS of ripe ones, as we hadn't been out all weekend and she was SO excited! It reminded me a lot of the book, "Blueberries for Sal" if you've ever read it. 
Great children's story by the way, if you haven't. I am a big Robert McCloskey fan.
In the story there is a Mom trying to pick Blueberries to can and her little boy comes behind her in the beginning and keeps eating them out of her pail. There were so many ripe berries yesterday I thought i would pick a bowl full and save a bunch for Craig when he got home. (He often misses out, because Grace likes to go out first thing in the morning. lol) Anyways, I was picking away and I look behind me and a little someone was taking out HANDFULS and plopping them in her mouth as fast as I could pick them. I kept asking her to pick her own that these were for Daddy and she would say ok for a few minutes, but sure enough, she would be back behind me quietly getting what she could. SUCH A STINKER! Anyways, I picked some more and then since she was begging so politely I let her sit on the porch steps and eat some before I told her we really WERE putting the rest away for Daddy. At this point Daddy was only going to get a few mouth fulls, but still I knew he'd be happy. 

Telling me about her yummy berries.
This is about the point when I took them away and said, "Ok Grace the rest are going in the fridge for Daddy when he gets home!" She was very polite and nice about it which surprised me at the time and she said, "Ok, berries Daddy." Well now it was lunch time and so I went in to make us some sandwiches. Grace hung around for a minute and then I noticed that she had gone back outside, but that is pretty normal for her so I didn't worry too much about it until the sanwiches were finished and I was putting everything back in the fridge. I was putting in the lunch meat when it finally dawned on me. One glass bowl, containing berries was GONE! HOW did she get it out without me seeing?! I still don't know, that stinker must have been so quiet!!
Anyways, I ran outside and sure enough, there was the red faced culprit finishing off what she unabashedly reminded me were, "Daddy's berries."

Can't drop even a tiny bit of one

And she finished off the whole thing. I couldn't believe how un-guilty she was. lol Usually when Grace does something wrong she knows it. If you so much as look at her too harshly she bursts into tears and is sorry, but I decided this time we would let it slide, although I did remind her that Daddy was going to be very sad that he didn't have any berries to eat. Her response was to get up and offer to go get him some which I declined as I'd pretty much already picked the ripe ones. Unfortunately pay back that evening came in the form of a diaper rash. All together she ate at least one grocery store sized container of berries, if not more. 

She sure enjoyed every bite though! 

Monday, July 29, 2013

The Little Stuff

I thought I would do a kind of random post, once again this one is more for the journal then anything, of some of the little things we have been up to.

Camping...sort of...

So Craig won a bunch of camping gear from a raffle at work a while ago and part of that was this 8 man tent. We're going camping this weekend for the first time together EVER (excited, can you tell?!), so he thought it would be a good idea to set the tent up in the back yard first; just to make sure it's not broken or anything. SO we had a camp out last night!! We left Grace sleeping inside in her crib for this time around, (with a baby monitor of course) but I brought her out this morning as soon as she woke up, and I let her play around in it. For our date night last night Craig and I watched a movie together on the laptop, and since I picked The Sound of Music last week, it was his turn and he chose Mclintock. It's a John Wayne movie. I have nothing against good old american cowboy John Wayne...except this one movie. SO. DUMB. As a future Family Counselor (hopefully) it was far too painful an experience for me. He was married to the worst woman stereotype of a red head EVER, (vain, giggly, says she wants one thing, when she wants something else. Pretends to be disgusted when she's secretly thrilled. What. Ever.) and old Wayne was of course silent and stubborn and refused to offer simple explanations when asked, because of course then there would be no conflict and he couldn't justify going and getting drunk and acting like a....ok I'm getting carried away here. BLEH. Ok, moving on. Cuddling with the hubby was nice, and I tried REALLY hard to keep my mouth shut during the movie, as my better half thought the whole thing was wonderful. :) 

We also tested out the air mattresses we got as well. I have to say I was completely comfy over on my side! Unfortunately though, husband says it would be impractical to take the Pottery Barn down comforter with us camping, so the ACTUAL trip will be slightly less luxurious, but that's ok. As it turns out, an 8 man tent is just the right size for 3 people when you have a king sized air mattress and a pac-n-play. ;)

 Over all we had a lot of fun on our little mini date.
 Good morning, Sunshine!

lol These pictures crack me up! When people make comments about Grace's hair always "having" to be done I think I will show them these pictures and point out that doing hair in this household is more about survival then anything. She can hardly function when her hair is left to it's own devices. lol

She now goes down the slide "self". 

 She also swings by herself
 Oh that hair!!

Pink Pants

So I have this pair of pants...
Craig has always kind of made fun of me for them, he likes them, but just kind of thinks they are silly too. I realize they are the kind of thing you look back at 10 years later and laugh but sometimes trendy is fun, and I am actually pretty attached to these pants. In fact I want some in red and turqoise, too! lol
Anyways...I was wearing them one day and Grace was wearing a pink dress I had gotten her earlier on this day and we were both outside, she playing in the garden, and I, talking on the phone to my Mom. Unbeknownst to us Craig came home and saw us both out in the yard together and took pictures. He thought it was SO funny that we matched. lol

He came out and showed me the pictures and we both got a little laugh out of it since I hadn't realized our outfits were so similar. Fast forward through the evening now and we were all back at the store because I had purchased several pair of pants for Grace's crazy fast growing legs, that it turned out, didn't fit her very well. She needed a bigger size. Craig goes strait to the little girls department while I was returning them and comes back guessed it...

Silly silly Daddy!
She totally thinks they're great, too!

I thought he was just kidding at first but oh no. He bought them. And of course had to put them right on her when we got home and get some more chuckles out of it.  but oh wait...there's more! I went out to see if Craig was done with the yard when our neighbors were driving by, and they stopped to ask if we knew we were wearing the same pants. lol And I had to say husband cracks me up. And don't worry, there are no matching sweater Christmas card pictures coming your way. At least not if I have anything to do with it. ;)


I have this ongoing battle with Grace about smiling. She really doesn't like when I take pictures of her and even the loudest laughter gets switched off as soon as she sees the camera in my hands. Well, to combat this I have been trying to teach her to say cheese and smile and I have let her take pictures of me smiling to practice (She LOVES playing with my camera). It has worked a little bit but then there are just days where it's hopeless. Last week I was trying extra hard to get her to smile and she was NOT having it and then I said, "Grace just say CHEESE!" and she purposely pulls this face instead, 
Hahaha I don't usually laugh when she is trying to be naughty, but I laughed SO hard! It was so deliberate, and she immediately starts laughing at herself after she did it. Of course at that point I was laughing too hard to catch her smiling, but oh well. It was a lost cause anyways.


I'll just let this post explain itself.

Sure keeps us on our toes!

The Sound of Music

For the most part we have a no media on Sunday's policy, but in the evening sometimes we do a family movie. So basically something old usually, and very wholesome. a couple weeks ago I picked the Sound of Music. I wasn't even sure if I LIKED it since I haven't seen it since I was a child but for some reason it just sounded like fun and I thought Grace would enjoy the music, which she did in a big way.

One funny thing about this movie for us, is that the first time Craig ever contacted me, (a friend gave him my number) was while he was watching this movie with his Mom and sister. I remember turning to my Dad who was reading the paper in the chair next to me and saying, "Hey Dad, (insert background story of I might go out with this guy) and he just admitted that he's watching the Sound of Music with his Mom...not sure if I should be impressed or worried!" We both had a good laugh. I wonder if he had any clue then that the NEXT time he watched it would be with his own little girl and the girl he was texting...kinda funny! lol

Here is Grace dancing to one of the songs. She jumped off the couch and danced to EVERY song in the movie. lol Sorry it's so dark, we had the lights dim.


Zoo Boise

So this Saturday we decided to drive to Boise together and take Grace to the zoo there. We haven't made a trip to Boise as a family since we moved here, and really that is sad since it's only 2 hours away. It was HOT, we're talking 95 degrees at least, but the zoo is actually shaded really well. It was small, but a lot of fun!

The first picture of the day actually got a smile. Too bad she didn't want to do it while looking at the camera. :(

The second time I asked for a smile, I got's a work in progress...

After a quick lunch at the park, Grace requested some time on the swings

Next she found some geese to chase. The one with its head up was hissing something fierce however, so I didn't let her get any closer. lol

It changed its mind when Daddy stepped in. :)

This little river area behind them had little paddle boats that you could rent for a half hour, and I am kicking myself for not doing it because i think it would have been Grace's favorite part of the trip. She LOVED walking around following the ducks and geese, probably even more then the zoo we paid 20.00 to see. lol We were going to do it, but they only take cash and I didn't have enough on hand, and Craig had left his wallet in the car. Oh well, next time for sure!

She was chattering away at this duck, and he seemed very much to be listening. Although to be honest, I think he was really hoping she had some bread on hand.

She was telling me all about the trees in this one. 

Such a cutie. Her other bow she declared was "hurting!" so it's in the car in her car seat where she ripped it out, should you be wondering. ;)

These pictures are a little blurry, but hopefully you can see the baby monkey clinging to its Mother's belly. It was SO cute!

She really liked all the changing lights in the tank with the jelly fish

There was a crying baby by this exhibit and I don't know for sure if that was what was doing it, but this cat was going crazy!!

Gracie was a big fan of the "money's!"

This is her telling me about them

She walked for most of her time at the zoo. Strollers have NEVER been her favorite thing.

She is a lot better about holding my hand these days.
Petting the sheep was another favorite

I wish I had video'd this part, she was telling us all about the sheep and the goats and how they are "nice." and "Silly, silly goats!" 

This zoo had a lot of things for kids to play on, like this giraffe slide which she thought was pretty cool!

The butterfly exhibit had HUNDREDS of butterfly's. VERY cool!

Next it was time to get in the car for the long drive home. She was upset until I gave her water with a "traw!"

Lots of outdoor fun = LOTS of water. I'm not sure I've ever seen her drink that much in one sitting!

And then we were going to go for snow cones...but someone was out like a light so we decided we better just head home.
VERY fun trip to Boise, we will be back soon for sure!!