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Sunday, December 1, 2013


     As pretty much everyone knows, our little family will be adding a little human addition in April. I am SO excited, and not nearly as nervous as I was with Grace. Not because I think it will be easy by any means, or because I can't wait to get no sleep, but I think it's probably more because of the fact that after having Gracie I also know how wonderful it will be, and that no matter what it will be worth it. With Grace I wasn't sure if I was ready for something that life altering and big (ok ok, so I don't do change well), but this time around I think I have just come to realize that when life isn't all about me aka it's about husband and daughter now, it's better anyways, and oh so worth it. I hope that makes sense. 

     Anyways, so with Grace I was so anti-prego pictures that I think there are a total of 3 from the entire pregnancy and I only willingly took one of those. This time I wanted to document it a little more, and wanted to take one a week and then put them all together to watch the baby grow....BUT I still have that innate (inherited from my Mother) dread of photos so my once a week has turned into 3 sets of photos. BUT, we're only half way through the pregnancy so that means twice as many as last time, right?! 
I'm not putting these on Facebook because I know that not everyone is into seeing pregnant woman pop up on their screens. This way I figure you clicked on my link so it's your own fault. ;) And without further ado...the before picture...

Yes I know, they aren't very glamorous selfies, but as afor mentioned, pictures of myself in front of mirrors isn't exactly my forte.

I'm about 8 or 9 weeks in these first ones, but I realize you can't really tell. It just gives you kind of a beginning growing reference. Also please note the baby getting into my "make'dup" in the background. lol

At 17 weeks...

Big difference, eh?!

Up to date at 20 weeks...

I got husband to take these. The selfies were killing me. 

This one is my personal favorite. I asked Grace to "come take a baby picture with me" and this is her version. lol

And stay tuned in 3 days for the big gender reveal, that I am VERY excited about....any guesses?!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE THIS!! Can't wait for the gender thing. FUN!!! I so wanted to shop for you and Lacey this Weekend but I didn't know the genders-ARG!
