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Saturday, December 27, 2014

To New Beginnings!!

Wow! So much has happened since my last post! I was pregnant and then BAM, I now have an adorable chubby cherub named Camilla Jane Taylor
and next week, we will be ringing in the New Year for 2015! I could make this a catch up post about how busy we've been, and how crazy Camilla Jane's birth was, followed by an unexpected medical surgery for my husband, followed by him working nights, followed by Camilla Jane having read my last blog post about the CIO method of parenting, followed by her making me eat crow with lots of things IN that post followed by the fact that she still wakes up to be fed 3 or 4 times a night, but I WON'T. 
 I think I'll just start fresh and say that I've decided that this is a good time to blog. I sit here on December 27 looking at my beautiful Christmas tree, my biggest little one climbing her father like he's a Maple tree while the other one, who now looks like this when she's clean...

crawls around looking for leftover bits of wrapping paper and pine needles to eat. Oh the fun we've had in 2014, but oh the PEACE and QUIET that I hope 2015 has in store. Husband just started a new job which will have him working an 8:00am-5:00pm position which has us both tickled to death, the girls are getting SO big it thrills and kills me all at the same time and I am excited for lots of new changes coming my way in the form of personal improvements. The New year is coming at a wonderful time for me this year. Up until now our life has been a bit of a sink or swim kind of escapade, but I see a light at the end of a rather stressful (although not without its moments) tunnel, and I am excited to continue on with some things for ME. I have hope of a little more sleep, a little more cleaning and organizing, a little more healthy food and exercise, hopefully some good reading, a little blogging, a larger amount of time with my main man and a lot more fun in the world of having two little bright eyed, wonderful, miraculous baby girls! So Happy Early 2015 everyone, and welcome to the new addition of what I think will turn into a little bit of a lifestyle blog. 


And if we missed you at Christmas, Happy Holiday season from the Taylor Family!

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