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Saturday, December 27, 2014

8 Months

Camilla Jane turns 8 months old in the morning, and I wanted to put up a few pictures. I took these a couple days ago thinking I would do a tiny 8 month photo shoot with her, but between the fact that I still have a pretty AWFUL camera and the fact that she makes her sister look comatose in comparison with the busy bee that she is...they didn't turn out like I'd planned. But that's okay, one of my goals this year is to put off my desire for perfection in simple things, they eat at my time and happiness and quite simply, they can't be helped. :) SO....without further ado, pictures with Baby Jane

One of my favorite things about the current stage she is in has got to be her fascination with her sister. Camilla Jane LOVES Gracie (although Grace is still a little wary of her hair pulling, face exploring little sibling), and she gets so excited when she is in the room. The other night after Grace was tucked in bed and Camilla Jane was playing in the living room, Grace got upset about something and started crying and yelling from her bedroom. Camilla Jane immediately started looking around concerned about the welfare of her screaming sister and took off looking for her. She crawled and followed the sound all the way to Grace's bedroom door and then actually managed to push it open by standing up and leaning on it. Grace was of course startled that her door was suddenly open when she couldn't see the means of doing so and stopped crying long enough to start yammering, "whose opening my door?! Whose dare?!" Camilla Jane crawled all the way in, over to Grace's bed, pulled herself up along the side and then cooed and cooed at her sister so excited to have found her. Craig, who was watching them at the time, gave them a couple of minutes to play together and then went in and put Grace back to sleep, taking the stow away out again. I love love watching them interact.

She crawls so fast now it was difficult to get ahead of her fast enough to take a photo. 

All in all I took about 50 photos, most of them blurry. lol We played for about an hour though and she thoroughly enjoyed herself...  

And tired out her Mama...

I finally decided that if coming to her wasn't working maybe she would come to me, so I laid down in the middle of the floor and sure enough, she finally got worn out enough to come and see me for some VERY sweet cuddling before she scampered off again of course.

It was so precious while it lasted.

Happy 8 months Baby Jane, your family sure loves you!


  1. She's such a doll. I miss her cuddles.

  2. And I dont know why I'm showing up as Garrett. So weird.
